Aubrey Bahr, Intuitive Coach and Photographer



Birth in the car

They say babies always know when it’s time to come. That’s exactly what happens when a pregnant Mama goes into labor naturally. This family booked me knowing I would do whatever it took to get there for their birth. The Birth Center they were going to is in Largo so I knew that was over […]

Woman Gives Birth in Car – Tampa Birth Photographer Captures it All on Video

This beautiful spring day in Tampa Bay was the perfect setting for the birth of Clover Moon. We arrived at Tampa General Hospital in the morning. Mom had been laboring on and off for a couple hours and it was obvious things were picking up. She would soon get to meet her sweet baby number […]

Birth Photography, Tampa General Natural Birth

In the afternoon, the storms rolled in, typical of Florida summers. A Mother’s body, as amazing as it is, is designed to ride the waves of labor and I could see that manifest in front of me. The storm outside added a peaceful relief, an assurance that the world lives on outside of these walls. But in here, miracles are born.

Tampa General Hospital- Midwife Birth

Video of a natural birth in the passenger seat of a car.

Car birth Video

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